One year of blogging

On this day one year ago, 10th of June 2010, I started this blog. And I’ve been able to keep it up, with at least one post a month, and 20 posts in total. Given that I set a goal of posting 2-4 times a month, that’s not too far off.

Looking at the Google Analytics stats, here’s the list of the top 6 most viewed posts (in chronological order with page views so far):

In total there’s been just under 40000 page views. Not that it matters too much, but it’s nice to see people read what I write 🙂

Given that I’m about to finish my Quant Finance degree and have started actively look for a job I’m guessing the coming 12 months will be colored by whatever I end up doing. But I do aim to find a job that’s relevant to the blog tagline, so expect more of the same..